Thursday, September 15, 2016

How To Get Rid Of Acne And Scars Quickly And Easily

How to get rid of zits naturally and quickly can you try it yourself at home without having to pay expensive fees. If all this time you have relied on beauty products to treat facial skin, from now on try switching to treatments that use natural ingredients only.

There are many benefits provided by natural ingredients for the health of your skin. Some of them are removing pimples, blackheads, acne scars, black spots, and helping to brighten facial skin.

how to get rid of zits
Not only provides satisfying results, natural ingredients are also easy to get around us and the price is much more affordable. So, you can maintain the beauty and health of facial skin without worrying about broken bags.

Without further ado, just take a look at the most effective ways to get rid of zits and scars.

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1 Honey and Avocados
2 Tomatoes
3 Aspirin
4 Turmeric and Banana
5 Honey and Yogurt
6 Ice Cubes
7 Aloe Vera
8 Garlic
Honey and Avocados
remove the straw with honey and avocado
Honey is a natural ingredient that contains a million health benefits and skin beauty, as well as avocados. One of the good ingredients in honey is hydrogen peroxide which has anti-bacterial properties.

Meanwhile, avocados contain Vitamin E which can penetrate skin pores and function to reduce skin inflammation. Combining these two natural ingredients is certainly a very appropriate choice for treating facial skin health.

Here's how to get rid of acne naturally with a mixture of honey and avocado:

Prepare ½ avocado, then take the meat.
Finely mash the avocado meat, add 1 tablespoon of honey.
Clean the face first, then spread the avocado and honey mixture on the face evenly.
Let stand for 15 minutes, then rinse with clean water.
remove pimples with tomatoes
Many people ask, how do you get rid of male acne? The answer is very easy, just use natural ingredients. Because, natural ingredients are suitable for maintaining healthy facial skin, whether male or female.

One of the best choices is tomatoes. Tomatoes are known to contain very high Vitamin C and Vitamin A. Both of these vitamins are very effective in dealing with acne.

How to use:

Prepare 1 fresh tomato, then blend until smooth.
Apply to your pimples, let stand for 15 minutes.
Rinse using clean water.
Addition: You can apply tomatoes to all parts of your face to get better benefits. Such as dealing with premature aging, shrinking pores, treating sunburned skin, and so on.

Also Read: How to Whiten Underarms Naturally with Ease with
get rid of zits with aspirin
Have you ever heard of how to get rid of zits with toothpaste? If ever, then don't try it once, guys. Although toothpaste has been shown to be able to deflate and dry out pimples, this is not recommended by most dermatologists.

The ingredients in toothpaste can cause skin irritation and trigger more acne.

Alternatively, you can try aspirin. Aspirin is a drug that has long been known to relieve headaches. But who sangkat, aspirin was also no less effective in dealing with inflamed zits.

How to use:

First, please split the aspirin, then stir until smooth.
Add a little warm water, stir until evenly distributed.
Apply to pimples, use tape to protect it.
Let stand for 30 minutes, clean with water.
Turmeric and Banana
remove pimples with turmeric and bananas
Next we will combine turmeric and banana to help overcome stubborn zits. Turmeric is a spice known to contain curcuminoid. The content serves to deal with inflamed facial skin.

Meanwhile, bananas offer a high content of Vitamin E, potassium and antioxidants. These three good ingredients are useful for protecting facial skin, making facial skin look brighter, and keeping it moist.

Bananas also contain lectins that will fight the bacteria that cause acne.

How to get rid of zits quickly using a mixture of turmeric and banana:

Prepare ½ tablespoon of turmeric, 1 banana, and ½ tablespoon of baking soda.
Blend the banana first, then mix all the ingredients together. Stir until evenly distributed.
Clean your face first, then apply it to your face.
Let stand for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Honey and Yogurt
get rid of zits with honey and yogurt
One of the causes of acne is the large number of dead skin cells that accumulate in the pores of the face. If you want to get rid of zits, you have to remove skin cells

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